Digital Apex Locator
Full Color
Apex Locator: Digital
The next generation of apex locators.
Highly precise and computer tested to provide a very accurate measurement of the root canal.
Computer controlled variable frequency measurement
allows for precise measurement in dry fields as well as in the presence of blood, electrolyte or physiological brine.
Audible tone indicator
always know where you are in the canal even when the screen is not visible
Use it with all your files!
File thickness does not affect the accuracy of the measurement.
Rechargeable batteries and charging plug included!
Root III Apex Locator Kit
Includes: Unit, file holder, Lip clip, batteries, 110 volt charging plug, instructions
VR-X503 ................. $445.50
Contrary Electrodes (Lip Clips)
VR-X501 ................... $40.50
Pack of 3
File Holder Clip
VR-X504 ................... $27.00
Wire Set
VR-X505 ................... $27.00
Power Transformer
VR-X506 ................... $45.00